RIGHT CLICK PICTURE TO READ INFORMATIONBELLFACTORY CEMETERY ROAD    The grave marker of Henry Harless, Sr. (Born 1752 Died1815)   In recent years a Veteran's Administration marker was   placed in the cemetery honoring the Henry Harless, Sr.   for his service in the Revolution. The marker indicates   incorrectly that he served in the Alabama Militia. His   service was performed in the Virginia Militia during the   Revolution.     Henry Harless, Sr. and wife Charity were living in VA   when they prepare to move to TN.  In 1801 they were in   Knox Co. (now Anderson Co.), TN. Records of   Anderson Co., TN in 1806 indicate that he owned land   in that county.  Most of his family stayed together and   prior to 1815 migrated to Mississippi Territory (now   Alabama) into the area north of Huntsville, Madison Co.,   AL. The family migrated to Shelby Co., AL shortly   thereafter.     Submitted by  Fred Olive   (folive@uab.edu)

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