R.H. Harless (Russell) Nov 15 1834 Dec 4, 1916 He is not Dead but sleeping NOTES:Found that someone had Russel Harless as the son of CLERCY HARLESS and she is the Daughter of ABRAHAM HARLESS and CATHERINE LINK. Clercy could be Crissy? It looks like Russel was illegitimate and also I found that Clercy Harless married Henry Link!(KATHY) HENRY LINK ESTATE Chancery File No. 35 Polly Summerfield vs. Russell H. Harless & al. Mar 7 1868 Injunction granted according to prayer of the bill upon the plaintiff giving bond with security in the sum of $300. The Commonwealth of Virginia, to the Sheriff of Giles County, Greeting: You are hereby commanded to summon Clara Link, widow of Henry Link deceased, Gasper Harless, son of Alexander Harless deceased, Julia Turpin, widow of James Turpin deceased, William Williams, and Harriet, his wife, John Fillinger, and Mary, his wife, Gasper Harless, and several children whose names are unknown, heirs at law of Riley Harless deceased, Hannah Link, widow of Christian Link deceased, Madison Lucas, and Jane his wife, Charles Lucas, and Nancy his wife, John Link, Henry Link, Thomas Kerr, and Lucinda, his wife, children and heirs at law of Christian Link deceased, Polly Link, widow of William Link deceased, William Smith, and Minerva, his wife, Christina Link, Rebecca Link, who is non compos mentis, Milton Link, and several children of Nancy Johnston deceased, wife of Andrew Johnston, whose names are unknown, heirs at law of William Link deceased, all the above being the heirs at law of Henry Link deceased, Russell H. Harless, Mary Taylor, widow of Raburn Taylor deceased, in her own right, and as Executrix of her said husband, Enoch Atkins, Executor of the said Raburn Taylor deceased, Margaret A. Taylor, George Taylor, Charles W. Taylor, and Sarah E. Taylor, infant children and heirs at law of Raburn Taylor deceased, John M. Porterfield, in his own right, and as Administrator of Andrew J. Porterfield deceased, Amanda Porterfield, widow of the said Andrew J. Porterfield deceased, Susan Porterfield, widow of Alexander Porterfield deceased, William L. Porterfield, John W. Echols, and Ellen, his wife, Martha Porterfield, Elizabeth Dowdy, widow of Erastus Dowdy deceased, Clementine Porterfield, Harvey Porterfield, Charles C. Porterfield, and Gordon Porterfield, an infant under twenty-one years of age, heirs at law of Andrew J. Porterfield deceased, Stewart Rowan, Administrator of Andrew J. Porterfield, deceased, William B. Mason, Daniel W. Mason, in his own right, and as Administrator of Henry Link deceased, and James W. Williams, to appear at the Clerk???s Office of our Circuit Court for the County of Giles, at the Court House thereof, at the Rules to be held for the said Court, on the first Monday in April next, to answer a Bill in Chancery exhibited in our said Court against them by Polly Summerfield, and John Smith, and Mildred his wife. And have then there this writ. Witness, HENRY W. BRODERICK, Clerk of our said Court, at the Court House, the 14th day of March 1868, and in the 92nd year of the Commonwealth. H. W. Broderick [signature] Submitted by (Danlei2@aol.com)
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