This is my Grandfather Silas Kinder and Virgie Lee Harless with Violet(My Mom)and Ernest Kinder. Virgie Lee Harless D/O d/o William Absolom Harless and Sarah Jane Means. William s/o Phillip Henry, Sr., s/o Phillip O. Harless s/o Johan Martin Harless Submitted by Vivian (hvloveday@charter.net)
This is my Grandfather Silas Kinder and Virgie Lee Harless with Violet Kinder.(My Mom) Virgie Lee Harless D/O d/o William Absolom Harless and Sarah Jane Means. William s/o Phillip Henry, Sr., s/o Phillip O. Harless s/o Johan Martin Harless Submitted by Vivian (hvloveday@charter.net)
This is my Grandfather Silas Kinder and Virgie Lee Harless d/o William Absolom Harless and Sarah Jane Means. William s/o Phillip Henry, Sr., s/o Phillip O. Harless s/o Johan Martin Harless Submitted by Vivian (hvloveday@charter.net)
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