NAME Harless, Adolf God-dear Christoph of
SHORT DESCRIPTION German theologian
DATE OF BIRTH 20 November 1806
DYING DATE 5. September 1879

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was a German Protestant theologian and a joint founder of the Erlanger in such a way specified school.

Harless was born as a son of a wealthy buyer and coined/shaped by parents in the usual moderated rationalistic direction. With 16 years it made its Abitur and wanted musicians to become, against what its parents raised however objection.

So studied Harless, for which however theology and in particular the pulpit were impossible, starting from 1823 in attaining philosophy and law, changed then however, allegedly to an adverse remark Ludwig D?derleins, but to theology. Here it was coined/shaped particularly by George Benedikt Winer and then also beyond theology by the personality August Tholucks. Also the thoughts George W.F have a great importance for Harless. Hegels, Friedrich Schellings and Baruch Spinozas.

From 1826 to 1828 Harless was then in resounds. Allegedly it slept at this time rarely more than three hours to be able to differentiate in order to acquire itself the problem of the liberty theology-historically and from this with sharpened view critical theology from fashionable speculation. it changed 1828 then as a private lecturer in philosophy back to attaining, 1829 became it private lecturer in systematic theology and 1833 extraordinary professor in new will.

1834 appeared the Commentar over the letter Pauli to the Epheser in application of the methods (the grammatical precision) Winers and (in installation course of old-church interpretation tradition) Tholucks. Harless came already here to its experience-theological beginning, which had forerunners in thinking Theodor Lehmus' and Claus Harms'. Beside the work Johann George Hamann from the distance began now also Christian Krafft to affect (the professor in attaining, extraordinary since 1818, was) and Karl von Raumer (starting from 1827 as a professor for natural history at evenly that university worked) Harless' thinking.

1836 were then appointed Harless the full professor for systematic theology. In this time were beside George Benedikt Winer and above the calling also Gottfried Thomasius, Isaak Rust, Veit Engelhardt among other things in attaining. As extra full professors came besides Philipp of Ammon, the son of the Christian von Ammon, Johann William Friedrich H?fling (starting from 1834) and Hermann Olshausen (starting from 1832 for Winer) to the university. (further s.Bachmann 1905). Starting from 1836 Harless became besides Universit?tsprediger. Then it published the critical treatment of the life Jesu of D.F.Strauss after its scientific values lit, one of the many arguments of the time with David bunch. 1837 he became joint founder of the magazine for protest anti-mash and church (ZPK), which became the forum of the Erlanger theology. The moreover one published it theological Encyklop?die and methodology, with which it placed itself just like with the Epheser comment expressly on church soil: Revealing is Harless here in the sense of experience theology only in the faith understandably. If Harless wants to regain then however the subjectivity of the faith objectively in the common faith of the church, testified in their confessions, then nevertheless a proximity is indeterminable to Hegels remarks to subject and substance.

1838 brought itself Harless also to the Jesuitenfurcht (in: ZPK, 93 FF. and 101 FF), a most polarize-mixed argument with the Societas Jesu, to the edge of a prosecution. it pulled 1839 then as a delegate of the University of attaining in Munich federal state parliament. The radically rejecting attitude in the so mentioned knee-bend-ridden led to heated controversies, which were led on the side of the young catholicism particularly by Ignaz of D?llinger and Joseph of G?rres. In the consequence of the controversy Minister of the Interior Karl von Abel rejected then the appointment Harless' to the Erlanger (per) rector (the rector was formally the king) and transferred for disciplinary reasons Harless 1845 as Konsitorialrat to Bayreuth.

Harless forestalled that, by accepting 1845 a call to Leipzig. Here it established now a Dependence of the Erlanger theology, which its colleagues Karl Friedrich August Kahnis, Franz Delitzsch and Christoph Ernst Luthardt should resume. Harless' pupils in the actual sense became here Reinhold franc and Gerhard Zezschwitsch (d.?.). 1847 took over Harless additionally the Pfarramt pc. Nicolai. In the March revolution 1849 it organized the military resistance in Leipzig and brought its names in such a way on the third (or after other sources fifth) list place for the Galgen of the planning.

1850 became Harless then Oberhofprediger in Dresden (comparable the today's national bishop). 1852 it (and thus for the first time no lawyer) was recalled of king Maximilian II. as a president of the upper consortium after Bavaria. Cause were the continuous disputes with William L?he and its trailers (above all A.F.O. M?nchmeyer). The arguments caught fire from the question of the understanding of the religious office, from which after L?he the municipality arose (and not turned around). With it, a elit?res Luthertum should not however only be achieved be brought out, but was approaching in last consequence the refusal each lay (of nationalwonderful) church regiment. L?hes trailers went so far threatening emphasizing their request if necessary in the Separation.

First attempts of the switching from attaining (H?fling, Hofmann, Thomasius) failed. Thus was suggested last, the Protestant religiousness Bayerns to the lutherische confession binding (input of 16. May 1849). Into the smoldering controversy inside now Harless, since the study time with William L?he got used to, was appointed as the Pr?ses. And last been able Harless also, L?he into the regional church too (RH) integrate. The extensive consequences of a splitting remained avoided.

In detail first the small reformed minority became Bayerns konfessionell to dismiss, with which the Evangelical-Lutheran church developed right from the Rhine. (The unierte church of the linksrheinischen Pfalz, just as duly to Bavaria, had already verselbstst?ndigt itself 1849. Since 1847 again furnished ?more reformed? a chair in attaining, which as the first August Ebrard had) corresponded to the development. L?hes views were tolerated, remained limited however in their effectiveness, since it was able Harless to direct the attention of the friend on dia.-conical tasks. Then 1853 on the Natives of Bayreuth Generalsynode reforms numerous of Harless were made to bring since 1803 stragglers the Kirchenpratiken together on a konfessionellen basis. H?fling placed the re-establishment of the old-church-reformed service (the unit of word and Sakramentsgottesdienst is called) again ago with its Bavarian lutherischen Agende. Only against the singing book reform, which sought to use only an outdated variant of the before-rationalistic Gesangbuches again, then country-wide protest rose starting from 1856 in the ?agenda storm so mentioned?.

Outward Harless, an all-German Luthertum confession-faithful stable against the Prussian union and was able to establish. 1879 were emeritiert Adolf of Harless and still deceased in the same year after painful suffering, isolation and going blind.


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