This form is for submitting Obituaries Only.
If you are submitting a Query or Question about one of your relatives, please use the Query Form. If you do not want to use this form, or you already have the obit in a text file, you may send the data to me by email to KathyLynn@HarlessGenealogy.com
Personal information
Name of Deceased
Source If any of the information is unknown, enter unknown in the box.
Obituary Data Surnames found in the Obituary (Required)
Obituary Text Remember to use your "Enter" key after each sentence.
If you remove any of the text, please replace it with 3 dots (...).
Additional Comments Did you Remember to use your "Enter" key ?
These pages are maintained by Kathy Lynn Feedback, Additions and Corrections are always Welcomed.
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This page has been accessed times Last updated - January 23, 2004
All original material on this site is copyright © 2002-2004 by Kathy Lynn